There has been evidence to suggest that certain properties in goji berries may interfere with some blood thinners. This means that anyone who has been prescribed some kind of blood thinning medication by a physician should avoid taking goji berry supplements. Furthermore, it may be also worth noting that there are lots of over the counter medication options that contain a blood thinning agent. These medications include such things as ibuprofen, which actively works by thinning the blood to ease pain and inflammation throughout the body. Read the benefits of a goji berry diet at

There are lots of great berries out there that are full of rich nutrients. Whether it be blueberries, or raspberries, berries in general are very good for the human body. However, there is one type of berry that has been especially known for being very good for the human body. That is the goji berry, a berry that has been used throughout ancient China for centuries upon centuries. It has only been recently that this berry has been introduced to much of the western world. This article will look into the possible goji berry side effects.

Goji berries are full of antioxidants and lots of other great nutrients. It is no question that they have very positive effects on the body. They usually come in a dried form with make them very easy for consumption. In fact, often times this berry is used in a wide range of different cuisines. Although lots of goji berry supplements are meant to be taken in a pill form, traditional uses of goji berry include mixing it in Chinese rice porridge as well as other foods.

Information On Goji Berry Side Effects

Individuals that are taking diabetic medication along with blood pressure medication should also avoid taking goji berry supplements. Although there is no serious risk for a person’s health if they take goji berries while taking these other medications, it has been suggested that the enzymes in goji berries may diminish the effectiveness of these drugs. Ultimately, a person who is taking these kinds of medications need the medications to be as effective as possible. Hence, refraining from taking goji berries is essential for these individuals.

In conclusion, goji berries are an absolutely amazing supplement that has helped lots of people live happier, healthier lives. However, some individuals should stay away from goji berries due to the fact there are some bad goji berry side effects that occur when the berry is combined with certain medications.